Fkn Festivus


Well here we are again then. Apologies for my prolonged absence,  it was all in a reasonable cause (writing and workshopping lots of new flash). However,  with Festivus looming here we are. Despite a few flirtations with commercial radio I have yet to enter Whamhalla. How’s everyone else coping?

6 Responses

  1. Still here, still plotting the Doom of Humanity.

  2. I must admit to feeling somewhat like the dork in the barrel… being carried along by expectations. Have a great Christmas, and my your imaginary santa reward you with something you really like! (mine’s scotch).

  3. I am tired. I am irritable. I want Christmas to get off my danged lawn.

  4. I just realised I haven’t blogged since I moved the horse to Myocum.
    I love youze all but I am never home to blog about it.
    Good that you’ve had some productive writing time, and I will justify my absence by telling myself you will all be able to write a best-seller while I am arguing with my horse over the need to remove wax from his ears and ticks from his arse. Truly, I’m doing you all a massive favour by not distracting you from a higher calling.
    Pass the Cowboy Magic Mane Detangler, please.

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