Archive for the ‘homecoming’ Category

Advent of Doom
12 December, 2016


Less than two weeks until the Clan gathers in our formerly peaceful beach town.  The shopping’s been done, the seafood has been ordered, now the panicking can commence.

Krampus is coming, dear readers.  Pray for my soul, such as it is.

And The Cat Came Back …
24 May, 2015

I can’t believe he’s done this to me again!

Friends came around for lunch etc. yesterday and while I was out in the back yard at the compost bin, my friend called out from the front yard, “I think Flot’s here!”

I raced through the house and there he was – just like last time, in the fenced off dinosaur garden, mrrrrowing like he was in distress.  He wouldn’t go near my friend, but when I came over he ran up chirping and started nuzzling me through the fence.  After a bit of to-ing and fro-ing he accepted a salmon sachet and allowed himself to be picked up and brought into TGP’s room.

He was big and fat, a tiny scratch on his nose but paws and claws in good shape.  Still wearing his harness but missing the new tags with my mobile number and his ninja bell.  He was a bit brubby, and obviously overjoyed to be home.  He’s been burying his head in my armpit like a kitten, drooling and purring his head off and very snuggly.

Jet’s been ambivalent.  Like me, I think he’d only just got over the heart-break of last time.